The World Government Movement believes in global governance by a world government to achieve peace on Earth, and a better planet for all of us.
We see the United Nations General Assembly (193 member states) as the beginning of a world government.
We are writing news about the global government since Februari 2021.
These 193 countries should unite and form a World Government and make global rules for the better of humanity and the planet.
The leader of every country still has the power in this Government.
For example: Donald Trump should represent the USA in this Government,
the prime minister of Great-Brittain, should represent Great-Brittain.
Emmanuel Macron should represent France, as president.
Vladimir Putin should represent the Russian Federation, but first Putin should seek peace with the West.
The heads of state decides who represent the world government.
The world leaders must unite and trough peaceful negotiations/diplomacy make it better for everyone on Earth.
The World Government Movement stands for equal rights and justice for all on a global scale.

The Global Government.
We believe a World Government is the only solution to create order on this planet, better global governance by the world leaders to create a better planet for all of us.
The world leaders need to compromise to form one voice with the vision to create Heaven on Earth!
One aim – Heaven on Earth.
One global government is the only logical solution to our global challenges, that’s why we created this global movement.
The World Government Movement does not believe in a conspiracy theory that globalists want to destroy or hurt the people of the planet, because we believe Jesus Christ will return to reign over the World Government.
This is based on the Bible Prophecy that ‘the government will rest upon His shoulders’ (Isaiah 9:6).
(This means The World Government will rest upon Jesus His shoulders).

We believe the United Nations Organization have the best intentions to help the people of planet Earth, according our common goals we share as a humanity.
We believes in a UN de-weaponize treaty to create Heaven on Earth.
The World Government Movement believes our common goal should be creating Heaven on Earth.
Heaven on Earth.
We believe that every human being should be able to go to the International Court of Justice for a case that is not internationally justified by law.
Even Albert Einstein was an advocate for a World Government to achieve World Peace after the second world war.
We believe we must unite in order to create a Paradise on Earth, so this movement is a good start to unite and share knowledge and wisdom for a better world.

We believe that only the Messiah can handle the responsibility to be our World Leader and teach the world to a Heaven on Earth.
We do not want to deceive you, but inform you about the whole truth, that is why the World Government Movement is open minded towards other spiritual teachings and religions.

The more members the Our Movement has, the louder our voice for better global governance to create a better world for every living being.
The coming messiah.
The 5 major world religions believe in a coming Messiah:
- Judaism
- Islam
- Christianity
- Buddhism
- Hinduism
We believe this is one and the same person and we are living in the end times, so the coming of the Messiah is near.
- In Christianity His name is Jesus,
- in Hinduism His name is Kalki,
- in Buddhism His name is the Maitreya,
- in Islam His name is the Mahdi,
- in Judaism He is the son of David (could be Jesus).
We believe the Messiah already returned in the flesh with the name Haile Selassie I.
Read this article without judgement to understand why Haile Selassie was Christ in the flesh.
Haile Selassie did great things for mankind, He is one of the founders of:
- United Nations
- African Union
- Food and Agriculture Organisation
- World Bank
- Etc..

Join our Movement if you believe that we can create a better world if the Messiah would reign over the world government to create Heaven on Earth.
Kind regards,